HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medical preventive measure designed to protect an HIV-negative person against a possible HIV infection by taking antiretroviral medication precautionally.
Any person treated with PrEP is required to do a check for HIV, other venereal diseases and their renal function at regular intervals. The basis for a treatment with PrEP is a good medical support by your doctor. Only qualified doctors are allowed to subscribe and/or accompany PrEP. They do also settle reimbursement for the costs of the treatment with the statutory health care service.
Since September 1, 2019, all persons with statutory health insurance older than 16 living with a substantial HIV risk are entitled to the medication (insured persons pay the statutory extra payment) as well as the necessary examinations required for the HIV prophylaxis (PrEP).
For more information about PrEP see (PreP information in German only).